Linguistic Faculty

  • Russian as a foreign language for applicants to Russian universities;
  • Russian as a language for business;
  • Special Russian language courses for Afrikaners

Linguistic Faculty

Programs “Russian language” STUDY PROGRAMS

Student of the Eurasian International University, rapper Issac Kobbinah (Ghana) is gaining more and more popularity among fans
Rector’s address
Hello, dear friends!

Thank you for visiting the website of the Linguistic Faculty of our university! Our university is still very young. We have been operating for only two years. But this new university was created by a team that worked for 20-30 years at the most prestigious universities in Russia: MSU, RUDN, MGIMO.

It is worth mentioning that the Eurasian International University is part of the new educational system Gaudeamus, which consists of several universities, institutes, colleges and lyceums. This system is still being structured, but already after studying at the preparatory faculty of our university, we are sending graduates of the “Russian as a foreign language” program to various universities and institutes of Russia for further training in bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

We specialize in preparing foreign citizens for admission and study in educational institutions in Russia.
About Russia
Russia is a great power.

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world, covering approximately 1/8 of the Earth and covering 11 time zones. This is a unique territory with diverse geographical landscapes and climatic zones, from snowy Siberia to the subtropics of the Black Sea. During the holidays, students can explore marble quarries in Karelia, enjoy the crystal clear waters of Lake Baikal or climb the volcanoes of Kamchatka.

Besides the unique nature, Russian culture attracts foreign guests. From classics of Russian literature- Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, to modern opera and ballet artists who conquer the world stage. You can also understand the culture of the country through music: folk songs or classical works by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov.

To touch art, it is not even necessary to go to the theater or museum, it is enough to walk along the city streets, which will be able to surprise with their unique architecture. For example, the historical center of St. Petersburg with palaces and estates of tsarist times is officially considered an open-air museum.
The Bolshoi Theater, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin museum, the Hermitage, St. Isaac’s Cathedral are world-famous Russian cultural sights that attract millions of tourists every year. However, this is only a small part of where it is worth visiting. The UNESCO World Heritage List includes 30 objects of Russian culture.

And, of course, any foreign student will appreciate the richness of Russian cuisine. You should definitely try bliny (pancakes), homemade pelmeni (dumplings), buckwheat porridge, studen (jelly) and salad called olivie according to the Soviet recipe.

High quality education

In Russia you can get fundamental knowledge in a whole range of different areas of training and specialities, and Russian universities have centuries-old traditions and rich experience of working with foreign students - foreign applicants appeared in domestic universities at the end of the XIX century.

More than 300,000 students from different countries of the world come to study at Russian universities every year, and this number is constantly growing. This level of trust in the quality of Russian education makes the country one of the leaders in popularity among foreign students.

The teaching staff of universities allows you to ensure the high quality of the educational process: more than 37 thousand doctors of sciences and more than 136 thousand candidates of sciences work in the higher education system, and business representatives are actively involved in the implementation of educational programs to ensure a practice-oriented approach.

Continuous development of the quality of education is one of the priorities of State programs, which allows the use of the most advanced technologies and digital tools for the organization of the educational process.
Russia is a recognized world leader in the training of mathematicians, physicists, chemists, geologists, engineers, programmers, doctors and specialists in other natural sciences. This is confirmed by the positions of Russian universities in such international rankings as ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities), QS World University Rankings, THE (THE World University Rankings).

Easy adaptation for foreign students

Modern Russia is a mixture of Asia and Europe, a place where everyone could find a piece of their home. Throughout history, Russia has bordered on a variety of states and peoples, absorbing their traditions and values, which has led to a wide ethnic and cultural diversity. Nowadays, there are more than 200 peoples living in the country, speaking more than 100 languages and dialects.

Furthermore, the State guarantees freedom of religion at the constitutional level. Representatives of the world confessions — Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, peacefully cohabit in all cities. For instance, in St. Petersburg alone you can find churches, cathedrals, mosques, synagogues, datsans and prayer houses of 42 confessions.

Thanks to this diversity, applicants from absolutely any country will be able to feel comfortable in a new country and easily adapt to student life.
About university
The Linguistic Faculty is represented on this website. The main task of the Linguistic Faculty is to teach foreign citizens the Russian language, prepare them for admission to Russian universities. In fact, the Eurasian International University is a springboard through which hundreds of foreign young people enter the Russian Federation for the first time, discover a new world and a new country.
The Eurasian International University was established in Moscow in February 2021. The educational institution acts as an open digital university and teaches students around the world in an online format. Currently, citizens from 48 countries study at the university. The university has 15 faculties.

Although the university is still very young and has been operating for only two years, this educational institution was created by a team that has worked for 20-30 years at the most prestigious universities in Russia: MSU, RUDN, MGIMO.
By the way, the Linguistic Faculty has an online program “Russian language for Business”. It allows foreign citizens who are engaged in tourism, trade and service to learn Russian. Studying on this program will help to communicate more easily with Russian citizens.

The university teaches not only Russian at the preparatory faculty. And introduces you to Russian history, culture, traditions, laws of the Russian state, the specifics of living in the country.
It is also worth noting that the Eurasian International University is part of the Gaudeamus educational network, which consists of several universities, institutes, colleges and lyceums. This system is still being structured, but now, after studying at the preparatory department of the Linguistic Faculty, graduates of the program “Russian as a foreign language” are sent to various partner universities and institutes in Russia for further training in bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
All students of the preparatory faculty are already admitted to the International Union of University Students and Graduates during their studies. And this organization helps foreign students assimilate in Russia, protects their rights and interests, and promotes their careers. The headquarters of the Union is located at the Eurasian International University.

Rector of the Eurasian International University Konstantin Klimenko is also a well-known public figure. He is the Chairman of the Council for International Humanitarian Cooperation and Public Diplomacy. Therefore, the rector pays a lot of attention to the development of international youth friendship, support for foreign students and graduates of Russian universities.
Educational programs
Special Russian language courses for Afrikaners

Russian Russian language courses are designed for Afrikaners who want to master the basics of the Russian language and Russian culture, who plan to visit Russia in the future or move to this country for permanent residence. These are short online courses that will allow you to learn how to communicate in Russian and partially learn grammar.
Russian language will be supplemented by the students' familiarity with the culture, history of Russia, local rules and customs. Russian Russian Russian Russian university graduates will be able to communicate with Russian people upon arrival in Russia, and it will be easier for them to learn Russian in order to receive an official certificate of knowledge of the Russian language. This certificate is required when making a decision on migration to Russia.
Participants of the courses will communicate in a special chat and will be able to join the Afrikaners of Russia program.
The special courses will be valid for 3 months from February 1, 2024 to April 30, 2024. The acceptance of documents will last until December 3. A total of 24 classes of 2 academic hours will be held. Classes will be held via Skype 2 times a week in the evenings.

The cost is $300.
Send requests via email and WhatsApp
WhatsApp: +7-916-420-15-55
Специальные курсы русского языка для африканеров

Специальные курсы русского языка предназначены для африканеров, желающих овладеть основами русского языка и русской культуры, планирующих в будущем посетить Россию или переехать в эту страну на постоянное место жительства. Это короткие онлайн-курсы, которые позволят научиться общаться по-русски и частично выучить грамматику.
На курсах помимо русского языка, слушателей познакомят с культурой, историей России, местными правилами и обычаями. Выпускники курсов по приезде в Россию смогут коммуницировать с русскими людьми и им будет легче изучать русский язык для получения официального сертификата на знание русского языка. Этот сертификат обязателен при решении вопроса о миграции в Россию.
Участники курсов будут общаться в специальном чате и смогут вступить в программу «Африканеры России».
Специальные курсы будут действовать в течение 3 месяцев с 1 февраля 2024 года по 30 апреля 2024 года. Прием документов продлится до 3 декабря. Всего будет проведено 24 занятия по 2 академических часа. Занятия будут проходить по скайпу 2 раза в неделю по вечерам.

Стоимость 300 долларов.
Запросы направлять по электронной почте и ватсапу
WhatsApp: +7-916-420-15-55
Educational program “Russian as a foreign language” (preparation of foreign applicants entering Russian universities).

This online educational program helps foreign applicants to learn Russian and prepare for admission to Russian universities for professional education. Forms of training, terms, cost. The form of study is correspondence (distance learning, online).
The training will begin on February 15, 2024. The end date is July 30, 2024. The duration is 6 months.
The acceptance of documents will last until February 12, 2024
The scope of the program is 500 academic hours. Classes are held in the evening three times a week in the first part of the educational process (two months) and four times a week in the second part of the training (three months). In addition, students are additionally given homework for individual work in the form of watching video clips, films, etc. For those wishing to enroll in medical universities, biology and chemistry classes are held. After successful completion of the program, students are issued a certificate that allows them to enroll in Russian universities.
The tuition fee is $800
To enroll, you need to send an email to the rector's office : application of the prescribed form, passport data of the citizen.
Эта образовательная онлайн-программа помогает иностранным абитуриентам выучить русский язык и подготовиться к поступлению в российские вузы для получения профессионального образования. Формы обучения, сроки, стоимость. Форма обучения - заочная (дистанционное обучение, онлайн).
Обучение начнется 15 февраля 2024 года. Дата окончания - 30 июля 2024 года. Продолжительность - 6 месяцев.
Прием документов продлится до 12 февраля 2024 года
Объем программы составляет 500 академических часов. Занятия проводятся в вечернее время три раза в неделю в первой части учебного процесса (два месяца) и четыре раза в неделю во второй части обучения (три месяца). Кроме того, учащимся дополнительно даются домашние задания для индивидуальной работы в виде просмотра видеоклипов, фильмов и т.д. Для желающих поступить в медицинские вузы проводятся занятия по биологии и химии. После успешного завершения программы студентам выдается сертификат, позволяющий им поступать в российские вузы.
Стоимость обучения составляет 800 долларов
Чтобы записаться, вам необходимо отправить электронное письмо в офис ректора : заявление установленной формы, паспортные данные гражданина
Educational program “Russian as a language for business”

This online educational program helps foreign listeners to learn Russian language for communication with Russian citizens in business interests. It is useful when working in the field of tourism, service, trade. Forms of education, deadlines, cost. The form of education is correspondence (distant learning, online).
The training will begin on February 15, 2024. The end date is April 30, 2024. The acceptance of documents will last until February 12, 2024
There will be 50 classes of 2 academic hours in total. Classes will be held via Skype 3 times a week in the evening.
Plus, students are additionally given homework for individual work in the form of watching video clips, movies, etc.
Cost of the education is $300.
To enroll, you need to send an email to rector’s office application of
the prescribed form, passport data of the citizen
Admission procedure

Special courses for Afrikaners
To study at the online courses of the Russian language program, you must submit an application for admission to study using the attached form and a copy of your passport. Next, you need to remotely conclude an agreement with the university for educational services, pay for it. The tuition fee for the program is $ 300.
The training starts on September 1, 2023. The end date is November 30, 2023. Duration - 3 months.
Acceptance of documents will last until August 28, 2023

Sample application
The procedure for admission of applicants to the program of preparation for admission to universities of Russia: Citizens of any country are accepted to study at the Linguistic Faculty.
For online training at the preparatory department for admission to Russian universities, you have to send an application for admission to the program “Russian as a foreign language”in the attached form and a copy of your passport. Next, you need to remotely sign a contract with the university for educational services, pay for it. The cost of training on the program is $ 600.

After receiving the payment, the university enrolls the applicant as a student of the preparatory department of the Linguistic Faculty under the program “Russian as a foreign language”.
Acceptance of the documents until Acceptance of documents until July 1, 2023,
Start of training September 1, 2023
To enroll, you need to send an email to rector’s office
application of the prescribed form, passport data of the citizen.

Sample application
The procedure for admission to the program “Russian language for Business”.
For online training at the preparatory department for admission to Russian universities, you have to send an application for admission to the program “Russian language for Business” in the attached form and a copy of your passport. Next, you need to remotely sign a contract with the university for educational services, pay for it. The cost of training on the program is $ 300.

After receiving the payment, the university enrolls the applicant as a student of the preparatory department of the Linguistic Faculty under the program “Russian language for Business”.

Start of training September 1, 2023 End - November 30, 2023 Acceptance of documents until August 28, 2023 Duration - 3 months.
To enroll, you need to send an email to rector’s office
application of
the prescribed form, passport data of the citizen.

Sample application
Representatives of the Eurasian International University in the regions of the world
    Representative in Malaysia and Sri Lanka
  • Dmitry Veselov
    Representative in India
  • Zdravko Dimitrov
    Representative in the Republic of Bulgaria
  • Andrey Yeronin
    Representative in the Republic of Belarus
  • Souleymane Diarra
    Representative in Mali
    Representative in the Arab Republic of Egypt
    Representative in Afghanistan
  • Awan Jeremaih Acur
    Representative in the Republic of Cameroon
  • Ndiaye Saliou
    Representative in Senegal

  • Amilai Shesley Sumindila
    Representative in Mozambique

  • Ibrahim Bichara Abdelkerim

    Representative in Сhad

  • DOVO Lidi Lutchiana Maxime

    Representative in Madagascar

  • Mamadou Dembele
    Representative in Mali

  • Victoria Maheso
    Representative in South Africa

  • Wetemwami Victorine Tussi
    Representative in Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Clement Onyango Ochola
    Representative in Kenya  

  • Hodari Didace Halera
    Representative in Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Ngantsele Miet Pichelle Dorcia

    Representative in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Tuition fees
Tuition is paid by a foreign citizen entering the Eurasian International University on the basis of an agreement for educational services and an invoice sent to the applicant.
The Eurasian International University has opened an account with the well-known international bank Raiffeisen Bank. Payments to this bank are accepted from any bank in the world.
The program for the preparation of applicants to Russian universities

"Russian as a foreign language" – $ 800.
The program "Russian language for business" – $ 300.
Special Russian language courses for Afrikaners- $ 300.

Moscow, Arbat street 10, second floor


+7-916-420-15-55 (Whatsapp) –info Сenter

  • Sergey Chekanov
  • Diana Skomarokhina
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